Plus you combine work with his hobby, and it always brings the best result, because doing what you do best! And most importantly for human creativity – demand! The realization that your work is used on an advertising pillar where neither be in North Carolina, I think, can raise the morale of everyone. And the demand will be mandatory orientation at work, who are in the so-called top 50, so photobank recommends guidelines for work – then posted the 50 most purchased works of photographers and illustrators And what are the requirements for photos? For photos is a great image resolution (4 megapixels – a derivative of the width to the height of say, 2500 to 1600), no artifacts (oops, damn there I fly a little stuck …), lack of noise (noise is when the light is weak and photographed in dark corners so beautiful colored grains, specks) availability of field (sometimes reject the inspectors Image bank shot with the phrase "Sharpness is not where it expects to see a buyer, "and so it should be 'there', and the depth of field should be sufficient). And estessno, photography should be done only by you, do not contain logos, logos, brands, copyrighted works of others (if the picture painted glassware, under the Ukrainians, then you should be just hohlomistom, who painted the whole thing, and how to prove this is problematic, then the picture just does not primut.Ne take also the scene of violence. or shots taken from the car. Here are examples of those that you will be pleased: Photo of people, emotions, well-marketed group of people of different themes sport, business, recreation, education, professii.Predmetnaya photographies, especially food on a white background – version . .