SRO Review

If after reviewing information about the SRO in the construction of an entrepreneur comes to a decision to join the CPO, he will have to pass certain organizational procedures. Must submit a statement which is usually indicated list of the construction work, the tolerances to which the employer intends to obtain. The statement is usually attached a list of supporting documents specified by law (see Article 55.6 of the Town Planning Code). Requesting an entrepreneur documents above specified by law, is prohibited. For admission to various works of construction firm in the state must have a certain set of building professionals specialties with a higher profile education and some experience in construction. In addition, the employer must pay an entrance fee, as well as a contribution to a compensation fund in the construction of SRO.

In If liability insurance during the introduction and the premiums paid under a separate contract concluded with the insurance company. Choosing an insurance company is at the discretion entrepreneur. After payment of all fees and the provision of all necessary documents SROs authorized governing body of SRO in the building decides to adopt an entrepreneur in terms of both SRO and certificates of admission to the stated types of construction work. We emphasize that under the new entrepreneur, referring to the SRO in the building, asking him to allow access to the market is actually in its direct competitors. Therefore, the situation can not be excluded illegal refusals.

In these cases, correct the situation will take legal action. However, litigation takes time and money. Another solution to the problem – look for a different, more loyal SRO, one that urgently needs new members. It is not excluded that in the construction of SRO registered in other regions will be more accommodating at least, because you do not create direct competition with its members on their territory. Of course, this option increases the overhead costs of doing business builder (transportation and other transaction costs), etc. Another option – to create their own SROs that say, from scratch. In this case, need to find the 100 construction companies who are ready to join finance and general compensation fund and collective responsibility for their actions. Entering in CPO in construction, each builder, figuratively speaking, 'sits in the same boat' with its direct competitors. And together they begin to 'pull'. What happens next depends upon their collaborative efforts. However, their construction business in terms of their Sharing a pitcher of construction work is interdependent. Although in legal terms the company is still isolated from each other.

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