In this panorama, Immanuel Kant, great philosopher of the modern times, cites in its book, ' ' Critical of the Pura' Reason; ' , translation? Rio De Janeiro, 2004: ' ' All our intuition is not another thing seno the representation of the appearance the things that intumos are not in itself same what intumos of them as being the appearances they cannot exist for itself same, but only inside of us. What the objects can be in itself same, completely remain unknown for ns.' ' 3EDUCAO POPULAR To make the quarrel of the relation between Popular Education and Social Movements implies in pointing out slightly, despite in part and, the reading and practical the predominant one of the current society in its relation with the popular classrooms and to discern some lineamentos that are dividing in the understanding of what it consists as a Social Movement. It is said in nets of knowledge and communities of learning. The crisis of the State-nation as sovereign entity, placed the legitimacy and authority of the State in cause and was instituted a new form of State: the State in net. The society idea would have been modified, existing a resetting of the spheres global, national and local. Social dialogue, social negotiation, partners, social nets and communitarian actions, follow the international and national social politics and the diverse programs of financing. The New Social Movements if show contrary to the traditional ones and do not possess the internalizado character of classroom, as the syndical and laboring movements that if they located around the world of the work. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Jonathan Blattmachr and gain more knowledge..
It has different forms to understand what it is the Popular Education. It can be understood as education of the popular classrooms; as to know of the community/popular knowledge; as public education. However, it also can be understood as one of the conceptions of education of the popular classrooms.