Also more volunteer “Media training for kids at Hamburg partner primary schools of the Foundation of his childhood” are planned. Community involvement is our on the heart, especially in our environment and with a long-term perspective”, so Uli Kramer, CEO pilot Hamburg. With the Social Day on the occasion of our move we have created now childhood the foundations for the cooperation with the Foundation. The joy and enthusiasm of the children in the elementary school Lammersieth has shown us that’s worth using.”the Social Day with pilot was an all around successful start for our further cooperation. The great result of this day of action very motivated us.
We look forward to the other projects we organize together with pilot, ensuring a good start for Hamburg children”, to Hannelore Lay, founder of the Foundation of his childhood. On the Foundation of his childhood that Foundation is childhood ( a prestigious charitable foundation under civil law with headquarters in Hamburg and is subject to the Foundation supervision of the free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Invoked 2004 in Hamburg by the founding couple Hannelore and Wolfgang Lay in the life. Guiding principle of the organization is helping disadvantaged children until they can make their own decisions. Now nearly ten years, the Hamburg-based foundation on various projects and with the support of various partners gives topics such as healthy eating, physical activity and education to disadvantaged boys and girls. With the help of donations and partners, the Foundation funds childhood possibilities numerous Hamburg partner schools.
For example, on the subject of happiness”, the initiative of learning kids or numerous trips to theatre performances, the Zoo etc. allow the staff of the Foundation, to give children various positive insights for them often strange worlds. The Foundation is a member of the Federal Association of German foundations. About pilot, pilot ( makes advertising for the digital age. Offering independent and owner-managed agency group includes media consulting, interactive media, digital creation, performance marketing, Web TV, content and technologies for digital screens, media and industrial cooperation, as well as the marketing consulting and marketing in the sports business. In addition, pilot to secure the success of the campaign has an own market and advertising research team. Campaigns that attract attention and proven success for customers of the Agency bringing together the pilots realize true to their motto from here in the future”. Pilot is launched in 1999 as a media agency for traditional and digital media. But also the design and production of campaigns was an important component of the pilot of range of services from the outset. “” Because the classic separation of media and creation of old “and new” Media belongs to the past. Today, over 300 specialists of in various professional areas at the sites of Hamburg, Munich, Berlin, Stuttgart and Vienna work closely together and cover the entire spectrum of media, design and technology. To the Customers include renowned national and international companies such as AIDA, Bacardi, maker, yogurt, Bionade, Boehringer Ingelheim, Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese, first, German savings bank and Giro Association, EnBW, fidelity, Fisherman’s friend, Hansa, mineral wells, HanseMerkur, Highlands, Kuhne, mentos, mobilcom-debitel, and New York, OTTO, Procter & gamble, Radeberger Group, Reemtsma, Scout24, telegate 11 88 0, Tillman’s toasty tip 24, Volkswagen Bank and Central Association of the German craft. We provide image material on request available. For further information and enquiries: Pilot Markus Kempf T 040 30 37 66-7868 dot.communications Sabine Werbel T 089 530 797-210 E