xmachina and partners are Dutch Hippo CMS maker since the beginning of the year xmachina GmbH offers the full service online agency even more Mon? options when choosing the right content management system. “As one of the first Hippo partner (Silver) in the German-speaking countries help the online experts xmachina into digital masterpieces to implement their customers whose ideas and concepts quite true to the motto of Hippo CMS create digital miracles”. Who’s hippo? The 1999 founded? ndete niederla? foreign company Hippo b.v. operates worldwide and is fu? hrender provider of open source content management technologies. Awarded through open standards, as well as multichannel publication fu? r Web, mobile and social media, is Hippo CMS specifically the Bedu? needs of medium and large enterprises. Why hippo? Hippo CMS is its wide application range benchmark? be fu? r companies that offer relevant content their target in real time mo? nights. It forms the basis of fu? r personalized communications on all kana? len: Web, mobile and social.
On Java -based CMS software hippo is the first Web content management Lo? sung, to deliver context-sensitive content. As a high end Lo? sung it creates publications u? ber websites, intranet portals, E-Commerce, social media or mobile applications. Click Jonathan Blattmachr to learn more. Hippo CMS is open source, 100% Java and u? berzeugt due to its slim product architecture on backend? availability, security and performance. This is easy to implement the software and open fu? r new. Social media and mobile flexible Hippo CMS self-defeating? supports multilingual, multi-site management and multichannel – publication. It’s playing easy mo? daily to integrate mobile or even social media applications. While the contents are maintained only once and then context-sensitive adapted to the respective channel. So, for example, automatically in terms of different end devices is the Contentausgabe? te and optimized formats.
Personalized content by Kontextsensitivita? t through the open source CMS Hippo are we capable of completely? constantly on the individual Wu? nsche and customer interfaces to focus. So computer? offset We it users special content tailored to (E.g. According to country, region or interest) to discover. “We are not only u? berzeugt, but even enthused by Hippo CMS and are currently already working on some exciting projects of Hippo.” so Klaus Mueller, business? ftsfu? hrer from xmachina. U? ber xmachina: xmachina developed E-business Lo? instructions on ho? chstem level. Since 1996, the online experts have specialized in all facets of E-business: online promotions, corporate websites, customized content management and Datenbanklo? solutions, hosting and the editorial operation. Whether it is technical or designlastig in both worlds here at home. More information: