Muscular Hypertrophy

To take longer periods of rest, enters about 2 3 minutes between series. This phase forces to the maximum to muscles, the sinews and the nervous system of adapting to push the maximum of weight the limit of your capacity. Each repetition must feel like a maximum force. Generally, there is sensation of no ardor for this type of training, only a muscular exhaustion generally. 2) Phase of Muscular Hypertrophy: During this phase you would handle an amount of weight around 65 to 80% of your maximum and to do between 8 to 13 repetitions. The periods of rest are around 1 to 2 minutes. These sessions of training normally take to a great amount of blood to muscles giving a great and continuous pumping to your muscles, but also it stimulates the expansion and the growth of muscular fibers. The sessions must flow of a repetition to the next one getting to secure a burn sensation towards the end and filling blood muscles.

3) Phase of Increase of Force: This is a phase of preparation muscular in that weights from the 50 to 70% of our maximum are manipulated, doing enters 12 20 repetitions. The periods of rest are very short, enters the 45 90 seconds. This phase constructs force in the muscle, which means to teach to the muscle to handle a moderate amount of weight during long periods of time (This is different from the cardiovascular resistance that they can last until several hours). This phase is necessary to teach to your muscles capacity to fight with prolonged stress, to lower the levels of lactic acid (what it makes that an intense burn feels), and diminish the muscular fatigue generally. Each of these phases contributes to the effectiveness of the other. Mantente in each of them around 4 weeks (as much as your body one adapts quickly to this training) and it continues the cycle through each. These phases in the training with weight like essential element for an effective program of construction of muscle are implemented.

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