Actually the meals in themselves do not increase muscle mass, but it is fundamental to feed themselves properly to be able to train with a proper workout with weights, to increase muscle mass. When you exercise your muscles, they need to have energy available to perform the training, otherwise, you will feel exhausted and can not complete the series. The type of foods that provide the energy necessary to increase muscle mass, are carbohydrates. But beware, not all carbohydrates are equal, they are high glycemic index and low glycemic index. The latter are suitable for providing power, since it takes some time to digest and pass into the blood, so they elevate glucose in blood in small amounts, and for long periods, and this means that there will be power available to the muscles for longer. In addition, this type of carbohydrates has little tendency to become fat tissue.
Low glycaemic index carbohydrates: all kinds of fruits, cereals, honey, milk, yogurt, bread and pastas made with whole wheat flour, etc. High glycemic index carbohydrates: white bread, white rice, potatoes, refined sweets (candy, cookies, etc.), common sugar (sucrose). This is the type of carbohydrates that provide energy for short periods and has a tendency to turn into adipose tissue, by which its uncontrolled consumption is not suitable. Another important point when you’re designing your meals to increase muscle mass, is to include foods that bring good amount of protein: meat, chicken, Turkey, fish, white of egg, milk, yogurt and cheese. Proteins are fundamental to form new muscle fibers. Please bear in mind that to weight-bearing exercises, your body will need between 500 and 1,000 extra calories per day, which should be composed of 60% of carbohydrates and a 40% protein. To see which is the proven plan for any naturally skinny man can finally increase muscle mass, please click here.