Morin affirms that the communication based on the explanation does not guarantee the understanding. The understanding human being goes beyond the explanation. The explanation is sufficient for the intellectual or objective understanding of the anonymous or material things, but it is insufficient for the understanding human being. Thus, the education must be come back toward the obstacles that hinder this understanding, amongst which the author detaches the egocentrismo, already cited as .causing of self-deception or the proper tapeao of itself here; the etnocentrismo and the sociocentrismo that nourish xenofobias and racismos and can even though delouse the foreigner of the quality of human being and characteristic the reducing spirit of the modern man and it induces that it to raise the complexity of all in which are inserted. It locks up the chapter claiming on the ethics of the understanding, defining it as the art of living that in the demand, first place, understanding in disinterested way. Of this ethics the conscience emerges of complexity human being characterized for the subjective opening (likeable) in relation to the other and for the internalization of the tolerance. Jointly, planetary understanding, ethics and culture, will demonstrate to the different cultures that they must learn ones with the others, and the proud culture occidental person, who if placed as culture-master, must also be become an culture-apprentice.
To understand is also to learn and to reaprender incessantly. In VII and the last chapter, Edgar Morin it writes on the ethics of the human sort, considering that the individuals are more than what mere products of the reproductive process of the species human being. The interactions between individuals produce the society and this retroacts on the individuals. The culture, in the generic direction, emerges of these interactions. Individual/society/species supports, therefore, in full direction: they were apiam, they are nourished and they congregated. Of this form, the ethics properly human being, that is, the antropo-ethics, must be considered as the ethics of the chain of three terms: individual/society/species, of where it emerges our conscience and our properly human spirit.