Energy Mente Source

And paradoxically consult up to scientists. 12 – The mind our main source of our energy thinking resembles a Minnow that wanders without control, from here to there, similar to a transit random, random, what might be called a brownian motion. Our mind is our main source of energy, our fundamental food. Our vibrations depend exclusively on our thoughts. Our State of mind is closely related to what precisely happens there, inside our brain chemistry. Are they that print our body balance or imbalance, outside or weakness, courage or cowardice, aptitude or inaptitude, positive or negative attitude. Our thoughts are the tool more powerful with what you have to make this life something truly wonderful, at the time that can be transformed if left it adrift in a monster that will lead us to a true ordeal. 13 – The relationship Energy Mente-Universo let our brain adrift at the mercy of unhealthy thoughts and negative is like leaving the boat that leads our life without helmsman, subject to the whims of the wind that will lead us to any port.

Life is a gift that must be taking care of it, leave it to chance is like betting our future to a lottery number. The power of the mind is infinite, because it is connected with all the energy of the universe, is more form part of that energy; but that energy powerful, capable of producing miraculous events needs to be concrete purposes, objectives defined, which are in harmony with the whole case. Depend on our thoughts our vibrations, and our relationship with the rest of the demonstrations.

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