April European

On 27 April 2007, the European public will witness the first match of the NFL-Europe. Originally known as the World League of American Football, League of American football in Europe has changed its name for the third time in its short history to become NFL Europe. Pretending with this, strengthening ties with the United States NFL American Football League and emphasize the importance of the German markets. This year promised fans of NFL Europe that they will know a new facet of professional football. European League not only debuts new name, but also a logo very particular to that expressed by yes same the backing of a giant of American football as it is the NFL.

These changes in the European League are the beginning of a vast improvement to establish football as a sport of great audience and European participation. Definitely, the European League that was created to develop talents in its infancy has become quite a challenge in the hands of its new director Uwe Bergheim who fortunately has the support of the NFL now more that never in the history of the European League. He is expected that European countries, especially the German population, identify more with the NFL Europe. And to make this possible, the administration of the European League as well as the personnel behind this, including that of the NFL will have to make their best effort to make unforgettable the Yellow Strom World Bowl XV. Original author and source of the article.

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