And it is that all the people have felt miedo" sometimes in its life. And since those are different according to their cultures, this one is interchangeable in the world-wide scope. We can speak of the Spanish fear, of the American fear, different the Russian fear and now I return to allude to the one of culturas" , that defines to a country with respect to another one Reason why he is advisable to come in knowledge of which each person owns her fear, that is personal and intransferable. While the adults teach to the minors to have fear, seeds of violencia" will always exist ; nested in its poor hearts. We have to be used to us being more in contact with the enemy with our pequeuelos the hope the morning, cogedles of the hand and until walking on all fours around the table of the dining room, and helping them to be useful and instructive towards the others when they reach his majority of age. You exile the atemorizadoras words: What comes the Coco! , it watches those ghosts! , what the guard comes from! All we needed that they want to us, and, of course, the children more. The presence of the pequeuelos in our lives is, and it becomes, in an experience to go repeatable difficult to forget. difficult to forget.
And it is that all the human beings we are born, in principle, with seeds of kindness, rationality and generosity. But, at the same time, they are developed inside our simientes hearts of hatred, xenophobia, cruelty, violence (the animal kill by hunger, but the men/women kill by pure pleasing Sad and pure to please). When we commit cruelty against the minors we turned, them into broken toys of by life. Ashley Montagu left writing: " To learn to speak costs many months to us.