Start also a Schufa entry can be opened a checking account. Sometimes also a misunderstanding or an undeliverable invoice sufficient. For most consumers, the problems begin with the entry with the Schufa. Since then, many everyday things are made more difficult. This includes the opening of a bank account. But even with a negative entry a giro account can be opened. Banks can refuse the account a fundamental right to a bank account at present in Germany doesn’t exist. However, there is a commitment of the savings banks and some banks such as the Postal Bank to offer everyone a checking account.
If you want to open an account, you should try (an overview see also here) it initially also by the providers of free accounts. Because it is not said that you are rejected with your request. Here it’s in the way of the Schufa entry and the amount of the outstanding claims. If you have a regular income and adequate collateral, you are possibly still can open a regular checking account. However there is no guarantee, because not all banks have signed voluntary commitment. Have the right to an account, usually only when savings banks, the banks and the Postal Bank.
You have the account on a prepaid basis as an alternative if your requests are rejected after a free checking account, still the possibility to open an account on a prepaid basis the mentioned banks. An overdraft is not given in a negative Schufa entry. Unfortunately, these accounts on a prepaid basis are not free of charge, at least the usual accounting fees. Otherwise, the so-called account for everyone differs”from the classic giro account. You can make payments and receive money. Of course, you get a card with which you can pick up cash at the ATM. Online banking is of course possible for these offers. Unfortunately some banks however refuse an EC card, with which also the cashless Pay at home and abroad is possible. You get just a normal savings card, which can be used also as ATM card. Recharge and to cashless paying in shops, for example, use the ATM card with any amount. Credit cards are not issued entry normally at a Schufa. Consumer advocates also criticize that the accounts on a prepaid basis are often far too expensive. First compare the prices, because some banks charge oversized high accounting for the balance. Charges also apply if money is taken and the necessary balances not available. The corresponding demand is then rejected, resulting in charges for the account holder. Also check whether costs for transfers, because this can be quite common. Make always honest information at account opening the Bank has the right to cancel your account, however at any time if you breach the terms Have breached the terms and conditions. When submitting, you should be basically honest. Who is attempting entry due to alleged capacity amends an existing Schufa, must expect that the Bank terminates the account, if the hoax is blown. So no real estate, specify that you do not own and forge also no proof of salary. In the worst case, this can be even punishable.