Western Europe

Historians believe this question is not rhetorical. To begin with Ivan the Terrible wanted to create another reference center 'Capital' evolved in 1565 a special 'Oprichny' inheritance. Chosen for this was Vologda, standing at the beginning of the river towards , then to Western Europe and in the Urals, western Siberia to join. In rg Skrynnikova show originated as a plan is implemented as anxiety felt in Moscow, the king was in a hurry to finish the Vologda construction of the fortress and the magnificent Assumption (St. Sophia) Cathedral. Decoration Oprichny capital in Vologda commenced in the first year oprichnina, in 1565, when they began to 'dig trenches' and to build new fortifications.

Soon was built for the king wooden palace, began construction of the cathedral and repository for the treasury. On the construction of the fortress were mobilized artisans of the city, suburban villages, and sent prisoners Tatars and Turks. na Kazakova, based on the chronicles of Ivan Sloboda gives information about unfolded in Vologda construction of executions in a number of persons, including three carpenters – Neupokoev, Daniel and Michael. News about events in Vologda during repeated visits to the city of Ivan the Terrible contained in some discrepancies in many northern annals. In recent years, the Life of Ivan iv deepened its contacts with Britain, where the king had hoped to get political asylum in the event of failure of domestic policy. Negotiations with British emissaries on this subject were not only in Moscow but also in Vologda.

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