Western Bouquet

In modern floral bouquets in various forms. When using a spiral fashion as the bouquet turns lush, the parallel technique are obtained by forming vertical bouquets, which are set forth in the narrow tall vases. But the most universal way – dense bouquet. Easily fit into any decor, and very beautiful to look at any vase. But so beloved in the Soviet period triangular flower with a flat back in Western countries is mourning. Special attention when choosing a bouquet should be paid to the dominant color in the bouquet.

This can be a monotonous bunch, for example, red roses – always a win-win. Or a bunch of different types of flowers. The main colors of the bouquet: the three main – red, yellow, blue, and one mixed – green. If you do not know which color preference for the recipient of a bouquet, ask for advice from your dealer or risk the trust to your taste. Regardless of what color and size you choose a bouquet – it is in itself a small celebration. No wedding is complete without flowers. On this solemn day flowers – one of the main participants in the ceremony. A variety of colors to add joy and brightness of the holiday.

They will look lovely on the tables in the form of a bouquet, the wedding car, in the lapel of his jacket the groom and witnesses. And of course, the wedding day flowers are an integral part of the toilet itself bride. The most popular wedding bouquet today – the classic round. This bouquet of roses are different colors. The bouquet is used portbuketnitsa – plastic framework, which placed a damp sponge – "Oasis", which allows for a long time to admire the fresh bouquet. This is especially important if your wedding day fell on the hot weather. There are many different types of bridal bouquet. This flower-basket and bouquet-scepter, and a bouquet-drop, and a bunch of the waterfall. All bouquets made by skilled florist, and will look great in one of the most important holidays in your life. When choosing a bouquet, you can express your wishes florist, and then your bouquet will be unique, which would give it a special charm. In addition, the bouquets can be decorated with ribbons, decorative leaves, beads and feathers and lace. Give flowers! And remember that no matter what You have not presented a bouquet – a reward for his smile will be your favorite person.

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