Trials – So You Do It Right!

This should make everyone before making a car purchase trials. Commercial dealers have usually a special insurance for sea trials and the test driver pays a deductible. This is not the case in private trials. Here, the liability of the holder shall be liable generally. The holder may however under civil law take the test driver. To clarify this, a written agreement is recommended.

Automobile clubs, insurers, or second-hand commodity markets, there are forms for downloading. Also, the car should be investigated on clearly visible damage to the body, as to the examples of scratches, dings and dents, and in the Interior (burns in upholstery or broken door panel). These deficiencies should be recorded before trials. Let the seller or holder show the main controls, if you are not familiar with the vehicle. For a thorough test drive should take at least one to two hours time. A possible expert support is at Trials are also recommended. The actual test drive should take account of possible different road types and take place not only in city traffic. Bumpy tracks with bad pavement, cobbled or unpaved dirt roads are particularly recommended to detect clattering and creaking.

The quality of the suspension can be seen as well. On trial runs the radio should remain switched off basically and also the air conditioning and ventilation should not constantly running at full speed, since you hear over otherwise slightly suspicious. During the test drive be sure that also at low speeds, the motor is running smoothly. The acceleration of speed of 80 to 120 can be tested on a short piece of highway, you test the acceleration from standstill and the braking behaviour rather in an empty parking lot or better a traffic exercise place. Air conditioning, radio, on-board computer and navigation system should be tested also briefly on trial runs. In addition to the technical aspects should include practical considerations also in the test drive. Try the car but once backward and sideways to park or to ride in the garage if possible. Test also the loading or the installation of child seats. After the test drive, you should have confirmed in writing the proper return of the test car and immediately with the seller questions encountered. You should consider another quiet night the actual purchase decision against it. Copyright 2010 – Jorg Reisener

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