Pestel Vinnitsa

But the struggle on the skirts do not stop in the XIX century. In the 10's and 30's of the national squads operated here Ustima Karmalyuka Avenger, which fought a guerrilla war against the feudal landlords. In the late 50's the mass movement of rural spread throughout the province. Even earlier, in the 20s of the XIX century in Tulchin deploys its activities 'South partnership' Decembrists, led by PI Pestel. I have spent almost all of the XIX century remained deaf Vinnitsa provincial town. This was after the 1861 reform, although the development of capitalism in the country at that time was going fast enough. This is because the city was in a typically agrarian Podolia. Only at the end of XIX – the early twentieth century, Vinnytsya became one of the significant economic, trade and cultural centers of the Right Bank Ukraine.

In 1871 the railway line was built by Kiev – Odessa, which was held in Vinnitsa. It contributed to the further development of the city. History of pre-revolutionary Vinnitsa associated with the names of some outstanding people. Here was born and lived for a long time the great Ukrainian writer MM Kotsjubinsky worked composer MD Leontovich, the great Russian scientist M. Pies. A new period in the history of Vinnitsa began in October 1917. Since February 1918 there began a period of foreign intervention and civil war that lasted until the end of 1920.

After graduating from Civil War witnessed the revival of the economy. He passed it in the incredibly harsh conditions. Soon the town was completely rebuilt, and its industry has reached the prewar level, and later even surpassed it. During the Great Patriotic War, Vinnitsa has known the horrors of Nazi occupation. Thousands of residents were rastreleny or tortured, taken to Germany. With arms in hand to defend their homeland vinnichane front and rear. In the postwar years in Vinnitsa great changes. There has grown a lot of powerful new enterprises have been fully renovated old. Vineyard today – it's one of the largest industrial and cultural Ukrainian cities, the center of the Vinnitsa region and Podolsky economic region.

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