Tom Hardy Hathaway

Rolling an action scene, the actress struck the eye of one of the specialists with the butt of a pistol and him noque. The injury was not serious and everything took " with humor". The actress Ana Hathaway has put so much in her paper of Catwoman that already is even lethal for its companions of running. During the shooting of one of the scenes of action of The Dark Knight Rises, the new Batman de Christopher Nolan, she injured to a specialist. Hathaway already wheel to the Nolan the film in which will incarnate to Selina Kyle (Catwoman), a paper that supposes the shooting of several scenes of action.

And in one of the first beautiful actress already it has made clear that it is arranged to give it everything in this work. As much impetus put Hathaway to him to its movements in the choreography of the fight that at a certain time, and by " movement inesperado" , it struck immediately with the butt of the pistol that it grasped in the eye of one of the doubles, noqueando to him. " Ana was touched a little during a fight sequence and by error she nailed the butt to him of the right pistol in the eye. extra ended a totally mulberry eye and Anne was mortificada" , it affirms a source of the running to Fox News. In addition, to perdir pardon as one deserves his unexpected victim and to demonstrate that new the Catwoman is lethal but also it has his small heart, to compensate to the victim, Hathaway gave a ball-point pen to him of silver with an recorded message that said: ' It remembers that nobody lance puetazo like Anne'. " Everything took with the good humor although the specialistic poor man received good golpe" , he concludes the source. Along with Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises they will be Christian Bale like Batman, Tom Hardy as the villain Bathes and other signings like Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the oscarizada French actress Marion Cotillard. The last Batman de Nolan will be released in 2012 July. Source of the news: Anne Hathaway injures to a companion of running in ' The Dark Knight Rises'

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