They walk speaking that I am nostalgic. Taste of history. Taste of the past. The gift. Today it needs to be lived and not counted. The future can be an imagination exercise.
A fiction. In other times the pertaining to school parades existed, mainly in cities of the interior. Since my first years in the school to it I finish it as degree the seven parade of September was an event that stopped the city. Each school wanted to make optimum. The groups felt the pleasure to create and to mount alegrico car portraying some subject important. The question biggest was the independence of Brazil. The assembly of presentations was common portraying the day of independence, when the edge of the River Ipiranga D.
Peter I pulled out the sword and said celebrates it phrase: Independence or death. Then. The School Job Pimentel wanted to portray the act of bravery of D.Pedro I in the front of palanque of the authorities, where normally they were the mayor, the priest, the councilmen, directors of school, manager of bank, farmers, etc. the director of my school did not find nobody that wanted to play the role of the Emperor. it placed me to woman against the wall and it almost compelled to accept me the throne. At the time I must have one fifteen years. The scene would be the following one: I would arrive mounted in a high and pretty horse and I would stop in front of palanque. The pupil who would also represent Jose Bonifacio would come of horse and would cry out: Dom Peter, Dom Peter, the letter. Jose Bonifacio if would approach to Dom Peter I, in the case I myself, and would deliver the letter. Dom Peter I would read the letter and then the repedida phrase would bradaria: Independence or death. I that never I had mounted horse without somebody held the rein, was obliged to leave the fear of side.