Mr. Jesus in them opened the chance to be Children of God and to receive the concretion from Its promises in our life, today and in the eternity. E, if you are of Christ, then you are descent of Abrao, and heirs in agreement the promise. Glatas Abrao 3:29 was faithful the God. It received the orientation divine to leave the house where he liveed and to follow for where God would indicate and he made thus it.
Abrao was farmer, rich in cattle, silver and gold (Gnesis 13:2 b), but this fact did not hinder it to follow what God spoke to it and Abrao still started to be richer! It had its challenges, logical, but whenever it heard and it obeyed the Creator, it was successful. Without a doubt, the biggest challenge was how much to have its son, therefore it already was aged and its wife, Sara, beyond also having advanced age, was barren. Initially, Abrao if left to lead for the suggestion of its wife to have a son with its servant, made thus it, without consulting the God. This first phase was alone confusion, between the servant and the wife but Abrao remained in faith of that the promise to have a son with Sara would go to materialize itself, therefore God had promised this to it. Abrao did not look at more for its situation and nor for the one of its wife, instead of this, it was firm only believing in what God it promises to it and thus received the blessing: Sara later had a son of it, that it stamped our divine descent, in Jesus! the desert and the solitary place will be glad of this; the desert will exult and blossom as the rose. Isaiah 35:1 We blossom spiritual for God we sacrificed through it of Jesus in the cross of the Calvrio.