23: 57 hours, ran the summer of 2010. It was a dense, moist, silent night.The boat had crossed the port and had approached the pier with stealth. In a few minutes he had docked and the adventure had come to an end. From rocks of the breakwater, was watching the boats, the calm water of the Bay, the lights of the restaurants, full of life. All calm, everything fine.
Nobody could imagine what he had just done. For her, it was the beginning of a new life. Strange, the sensation of peace. He had no remorse.He moved to the port authority. He had to go running so choppy the agitation and breathing were real.
Help, please help, my husband, I can not find it, please someone help me. And she fell unconscious at the foot of the police. 12 hours before, he had started the beginning of the end. They had been married for a few years. He was never too affectionate, but shortly after the wedding, started the calvary. His merciless soul, Lossing him for the most insignificant reason, first were screaming, then shoving, after beatings, insults, humiliations she endured, she spoke. Then it locked up in itself, she lost her friends, he moved away from the family, it affected him at work. One day, he learned that she was pregnant and that gave him forces, to prevent the baby to grow into a hell. He began to hatch his plan. It was spring, it had about three months until the holidays. Scuba diving loved him. He organized a departure in barca, to make a simple immersion. She does not fall, of course, was sixteen weeks. Be advised, he researched on the Internet, he discovered how to manipulate the bottle without leaving footprints. Everything was ready, the sun shone, the breeze marina would be his accomplice. Ready for the descent, the I hugged her, I stroked her belly, already somewhat bulging. Her for a moment, thought of reversing, thought that people can change, thought about second chances. Then, unwittingly, she stumbled with a hawser and poured a bottle of water on the cover was enough to understand that there are people that do not change, or with two, three, or four opportunities. Useless, not you serve for nothing, take off my sight, everything you have to spoil!. She wept not, nor had fear, this time not.When he returned in Yes, first thing he saw was a doctor, with his white coat. -Baby are okay?, he babbled. -If Lady, baby is perfectly, but her husband waved a negative head. She looked at infinity while a tear rolled down his cheek. -It has been very brave, now everything will be fine, he said, while he pushed his hand with affectionate gesture. For a moment, he thought he knew it, his smile seemed to him an accomplice. Then saw the policeman, of the port. -It has you made the right thing, Mrs. Her husband never had take to the sea with radio aboard in bad condition and you pregnant. It was not his fault. The worst has already passed. We’ll take care of everything. Take a break. Do you find more articles of this series do not forget to visit us at photo: Edurne Iza text: Onintza Otamendi? Iza can download this photo freely. The only restriction is your sale or lucrative use of the same. Do not forget that whole work belongs to its author, get a good use of it.