Many of CRM projects fail and one of the reasons why this happens is because organizations really are not prepared for impementar a Centralziacion strategy on the client. Enter the world of CRM is not simply acquire or hire a CRM software (which incidentally, now any database clients calls himself CRM). It is a strategy that requires a detailed shape how the organization operates and review design a customer-oriented business model. Jay R. Galbraith author book Designing The Customer-Centric Organization (in English) you will find a very ineteresante methodological framework for work on the fundamental elements for designing an organization that actually locate the customer as the central axis of the operation.
Develop the capacity to be an organization that eniende to their customers and that acts of an agile and efficient way to develop loyalty and faithfulness in them, is the main objective of this book. Has interesting recommendations on specific actions to run for evaluate and define customer-oriented business processes. See more details about it here. Mind of Colombia in recent years we have specialized in developing information projects designed to support our customers in optimizing their business processes. We have a wide experience in ERP (enterprise resource planning) business processes and processes in the face of customer (marketing, sales and customer service). We are organized by equipment or working cells specialized in each one and the projects we develop. We have a trained professional group and with experience in the development of projects and business processes. We use methodologies for implementation of projects certified by the manufacturers of each of the solutions that we use.