Special Museologia

To follow, it locates the terms Museologia and Muselogo, being this last one, ' ' all professional that organizes one exposio' ' (in countries where the Museologia is not recognized, the coordinator of an exposition is considered Muselogo) and he has as great example the institutions of Quebec, Canada. Definitions on what it is the Museologia and displayed the opinions of theoreticians are followed as: G. Ellis Burcaw (1975), Vinos Sofka (1976), Jan Jelinek (1977), Zbyneck Stransky (1980), that with its ampler definitions dinamiza the quarrels of the Field. For it ' ' the object of the Museologia cannot be museu' '. Anna Gregorova, although its perception of Museum as ' ' institution that applies and carries through the specific relation man-realidade' ' , still he sees it represented in three dimensions: of the physical object. The author cites 1984 as the year where C OFEM is created and also the profession of Muselogo. From then on Museologia also assumes new characteristics, searching to identify it as substance to be understood in its diversity. Specializations as General Museologia (tied with the principles of the preservation, it searches and communication), Theoretical Museologia (teorizada Museologia epistemologicamente), Special Museologia (that if it connects to others you discipline involved with Research), Historical Museologia (with historical perspective) and the Applied Museologia (Museografia) Detach in a plain line the evolution of the study of the Museums, of its beginning still in the Renaissance based on old myths of the Muses, detaching the moments that had determined its evolution, of the Cabinets of Curiosity to the Total Museum. While Desvalles points out the Museologia and its evolution, Scheiner elucidates concepts, as the agreement of the phenomenon Museum as a Process, having the space of the reflection to act as propeller spring of the change or as antidote of the engessamento. The processes (creative, legal, documentary, research are many, conservation, creation and development of expositions, between as much others) and they serve so that a dynamics in the institutions exists, without which also would deflagrariam the cited engessamento already. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Louis Kreisberg by clicking through.

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