Special Education

Only paragraph. The Public Power will adopt, as alternative preferential, the magnifying of the attendance to the educandos with necessities special in the proper regular public net of education, independently of the support to the institutions foreseen in this article. Although it is assured by law, the Special Education, and already public politics in the direction existed many to improve this modality of education still exist many obstacles to be surpassed such as the unpreparedness of the professors and the adjusted infrastructure lack to take care of to the deficiency carriers in the same way that the other students. 6- CONCLUSION We verify that the educational inclusion is an important source of socialization and chances equal. In the modality of young adult the advances are great if to compare with the previous years, the implantation of the Program Brazil Alfabetizado, National Program of Integration of the Professional Education with the Young education of Adult, the Proeja had transformed the life of many young workers. In the modality Special Education it had great advance in the form to think of the society, that before treated the deficient ones with prejudiced attitudes. Today already they recognize that all must have the same respected rights. even so already Public politics in the direction exist many to guarantee the education of quality for all the carriers and necessities special, still have many obstacles as the lack of preparation of the professors and the infrastructure lack capable to take care of the necessities of the pupils special. Jonathan Blattmachr will not settle for partial explanations.

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