It spent a month and it greeted whenever it when arriving it answered to me of the bad humor. A noon when leaving I did not limit myself to say goodbye to him. In that one occasion it accompanied one to me by my daughters and we went to ask to him if it knew friendly ours that population, with its eyes nailed in responded us to the ground that it was of Tomelloso, thus outside the people of the residence and the known ones the bar, did not know much more people. It walks, we responded to him if you of our town are. Good, to see if now when we come, it is not of the bad humor and one smiles just a little bit. Us it dismissed with its sullen gesture and its eramos somewhat uncertain steps closing well our back and thinking that inserting.
A morning I saw happen through my house and it was surprised when seeing me. Live you here? he asked to me between timid and embarrassed. And Eulalio for the first time drew a smile of confidence in its fine lips by where it showed a Duchy that elevated a smoke spiral that was lost in the edge of the visor of its cap. They spent the days and behind schedule a Eulalio asked to me if when came to Tomelloso it gave permission him to visit to me. He it came to the town every fifteen days to see two premiums, times in the traveller and others with Gonzalo, the Social Assistant. A morning to ten o’clock Eulalio called and when abrir it remained him unemployed in the vestibule with its cleared cap and giving him returned in its hands, nervous, and clarifying that would be very just a short time because it had to do its premiums and soon before one to be in the residence of Tomelloso, to eat, and thence to become with Gonzalo to their house.