Scientology Religion

News about the Scientology religion, L. Ron Hubbard, and human rights the “Foundation for a drug-free world” in America and many with her employees associations around the world are known for their successful actions in drug prevention for years. The goal that members have set themselves is a world without to create drugs. “In their campaign for drug-free world” the members show how drugs affect the human mind and body, without causing any fear-mongering. The core of this campaign are facts about drugs”the small books, which are distributed to various population groups. It will be passed on to all people, especially to vulnerable groups at risk where a high risk that they could access to drugs, such as children and young people. Information kits to drug organizations, including offices for health education, are at the same time police authorities and programs with similar objectives distributed world-wide.

All this is in addition by the broadcasting accompanied various, professionally produced TV commercials can be seen on the English pages by As a result the program spread around the globe, to create a drug-free world. Although the drug is discouraged not with each distributed issue, but in the books in large numbers are distributed, can with the enlightenment still life be saved. In cities such as Buffalo and Tampa, helpers distribute the books at baseball. Books about methamphetamine are needed most in the Midwest of America. In Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia have helpers on a Friday and Saturday over 30,000 booklets about crack cocaine and cocaine distributed. Recently the Paris and Marseille group organized a bike ride during this tour to enter in contact with people and to enlighten them about different drugs. The truth about drugs”TV commercials be achieved people all over the world with the information.

You are also in night clubs in Saint Petersburg, at rock concerts in Budapest and televised by Macedonia to Japan and broadcast by the United States to the United Kingdom. The police and education authorities of cities call, to bring in experience, how well they can perform this successful educational program. “The more people this campaign drug free world ‘ support, the more life means to save. The key to the success of the campaign is that it is not preachy or preaching and appeals to the youth in their own language. It has been shown that the most convincing element of the drug education is the voice of experience the voices of those who have gone the way of drugs and now report. This educational campaign is financially supported by the Church of Scientology, among others. Scientology sees in the educational actions of the Foundation for a drug-free world”a great chance that people are protected from drug use, all in a better and better world can live. The founder, L. Ron Hubbard, noticed correctly, many years ago that it with the Company goes down. To do so, he wrote: it is up to us to draw us even from the swamp, to rise about the condition and to put something on the legs. And a lot of people do exactly now many things to achieve that.” Press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V., be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munich, contact: Uta Eilzer, TEL.

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