New Cooperation: Cottonbagjoe & Mohd

More bags and tote bags for sustainable marketing Cottonbagjoe and Halfar are also included, but they already have years of experience in their fields and with practical pockets and bags as advertising article. Now they occur together in cooperation on the market. The company Halfar from the Bielefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia successfully conducts business with bags, backpacks and belt systems for already 20 years. Also the placement of advertising messages, as well as digital printing, screen printing or transfer prints are available in the East Westphalia. Sounds all very much like what offers also Cottonbagjoe. Cottonbagjoe, based in the Rhenish Wuppertal is successful on the market for over 25 years and provides printed fabric bags and pouches. Also here one knows well the various printing processes.

Together, the two incumbents want to now conquer the market for bags as advertising material and are fully in line with the trend. Contrary to many new businesses and Start-Ups that are entered in the past few years in the business of advertising and gift items, Cottonbagjoe & Mohd together 45 years have experience in the business, have the technical Know-How and the necessary specialists for a flexible all-round customer service. Printed bags and printed tote bags are popular advertising media. They are practical to use environmentally friendly production and disposal and in many situations of everyday life. Well, so, that there are also printed bags and jute bags in addition to all of the promotional materials and good that there are companies like Cottonbagjoe & Mohd, who know well that!

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