Renewed Geography

The gegrafos had, then, great responsibilities: each great sovereign has ' ' seu' ' gegrafo and its cabinet of letters and these are considered instruments indispensable of being able. (LACOSTE, 1993, P. 216) As seen, the cartography was an important instrument of being able and the performance of the gegrafo always was related with the activities of catalogao and representation of the territories, in the education geography not yet had great space and when this disciplines was lecionada its characteristic one was enciclopdica, the pupils needed to decorate a great number of information. During almost all the imperial period, the education of geography it was remained almost that unchanged in its main characteristics, having suffered few alterations in what it says respect to the content taught or same in the form of if teaching. It was practised, during all the period, the pertaining to school geography of clear classic orientation, that is, descriptive, mnemonic, enciclopdica, distant geography of the reality of () the pupil (). (ROCK, 2011, P. 126) Still in accordance with Rock (2011), the professors of disciplines of geography of the schools of the empire was deriving of the most diverse formations, was normally: even though self-taught lawyers, priests and, reality that will only go to move with the arrival of the first courses of Geography in Brazil.

The first course of Geography of Brazil is born in the year of 1934 in the USP? University of So Paulo more specifically in the FFCL? College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters, in this exactly year was established the AGB? Association of Gegrafos Brazilian with the purpose to congregate the researchers. It is at this moment that Geography starts to form bacharis professors and in few years science goes to have suffered great changes until in the year of 1970 Renewed Geography appears with total force. It is of this context of changes in the geographic perspectives and the multiplicity of the subjects that Geography involves the analysis of the paper of the gegrafos in the society, either it bachelor or professor, and both as researchers of the problematic ones that they fit to them.

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