Reflecting Books

Reflecting On the Importance of the Reading To read is basic. Therefore through the reading we know new worlds, or we see in them of certain form portraied in the universe of the letters. In the end of the reading of each book, we are awarded with new experiences, new ideas and new people. Eventually, one is knowing the world, and a little better more than itself exactly. As Menegolla the book can be understood as a document written and signed for the hand of the humanity, who registers the victory of knowing on the calamity of the ignorance. It is the document of the past, the gift and a predictive vision of the future, that helps the person to understand the world, the life and itself exactly.

The act to read is more than one passes time, is the possibility to dialogue, therefore as well as the people, the books can be intriguing, melancholic, frightful, and for times, complicated. The books carry the people to others times, other places, other cultures. The books make possible that if it lives deeply in situations and quandaries that never could imagine to find. The books help to dream and to think. The verbal capacity swims develops more that the reading. In the school vocabulary is learned grammatical and. However, this learning nothing is compared with that if it can absorb at no cost of natural form and through the regular book reading. Some books are simply better that others. Some authors see with more depth the interior of strange personages, and describe what they see and feel of a more real form and accomplish. Its workmanships can demand the readers more than: complicated conscience of the things implied instead of mere described, sensitivity to nuances of the language, patience with ambiguous situations and personages, will to think more deeply on definitive subjects.

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