Real Game

When playing, the child is not alone fantasiando, but making an ordinance of the Real; having the possibility of ressignificar its diverse daily experiences. The interviews carried through with the professionals demonstrate that the game of make-of-counts is present in all the moments of the daily routine of the children and that the professionals understand the importance of the same for the construction of the learning and in the process of infantile development and that the child does not need to have a specific place to play of it make-of-counts enters at any time in the imaginary world in any place. To this Klisys respect she declares, ‘ ‘ We have to lead in account that the space to play it of make-of-counts needs to be flexible, to changed into as much other spaces that the infantile imagination inventar’ ‘. (2007, p.29) CONCLUSION to develop the analyses that if had made necessary, in order to answer to the considered objectives, we base on the sociointeracionista theory of Vygotsky, focando the concept of zone of proximal development, which contributed in the direction to understand the importance of the toy, of the trick and of the game of make-of-it counts in the process of development of the child. Through the carried through comments we perceive that the child when she enters in the game of make-of-counts reaches a level of bigger development of what its Real, that is, it obtains to carry through actions that still are distant of its daily capacity. When carrying through the interviews with the professionals we perceive that the same ones always disponibilizam spaces and materials for children to enter in the game of make-of-count, therefore the same ones perceive the benefits of the game of make-of-count for the integral development of the child.

For the imitation the child learns, therefore all its possibility to construct knowledge is linked to its daily one. Acting as adult they act, imitating its gestures, its expressions and its movements, the point to try action diversified is that the child will construct the base of as to be and to be in the world. Through this research we can perceive that the child when entering in the game of make-of-counts carries through actions that are distant of its daily one, what it makes possible a significant learning and pleasant and that the searched professionals understand the importance of the game of make-of-count in this context of learning of the child. Thus, we believe that playing, the tricks and the game of make-of-count are indispensable in the routine of the Institutions of Infantile Education, a time that the same ones are part of the infantile culture and the child needs these playful moments stops to construct its learning of more significant form.

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