Blessed Sacrament

My friend it was silent, but he was worried Doctor! and when they are hospitalized to my patient? – asked Marujita – Tuesday 14 or 15 Wednesday, replied the Doctor Padilla!, today there are no beds do not worry, us we call them home – sentenced – I was concerned, the danger was latent only be expected! In the meantime Maruja, was depressed, with headache, desganada I cried and cried especially after meeting biweekly group, when she learned that I had not called for a transplant, walking on a thin line, which is the life of death, which separates makes us Hiperestesicos, sensitive that night, Monday 13, could hardly sleep, it was a rare night, esoteric were agitated, depressed, we moved from one side to another in bed, we talked about not being able to sleep, I don’t know went, but it was an atypical night! Tuesday, October 14, Maruja was still wrong, I was with headache, depressed, anxious. Half saw her rarely is usually put as well, when it senses something bad I went to the Blessed Sacrament, I had an impulse, uncommon in me.

Attend to their exposure and already in front of Christ live, I looked at him fixedly and tone firm, supplicant, I had the audacity to ask you please give me that body, until it is too late!, how have requested you? as? which ended up sobbing!, before the eyes of the faithful. This Act was also atypical!, my weak faith never had always done, did interference on the line for me to communicate with Dios Pero that day, was another, left aside my spiritual timidity, I prayed and I spake unto the Lord gives me that body please! – tremendous Audacity – repeated it allows Mr transplant I will do the rest, soportare, aguantare, I will fight promise it you the Holy of Sali Mrwithout really explaining me because I had gone, because he had asked with so much vehemence and promising courage that did not have that same 14 Tuesday, from 2 in the afternoon, I was attending in Risso (Lynx) Marujita, not accompanied me, as it usually did. Approximately attended about 50 patients ended up exhausted, at 20 hrs., I walked a few blocks and I went to the House had hunger and sleep, were longer, approximately 21 hours, when I arrived was newly accommodating me at home, newly arrived, when the fono began ringing! I was close to the phone, stretched my hand, got up the handset if? – fearful said – Mr Pedro! Shirley, nurse speaks Chief of transplantation! Not dine Por Favor, shave again, bathing and wait for the second call! What do not dine Shirley?

I have hunger! Hunger! OH God Mio! – exclaimed – again the ritual of dreams and nightmares nerves made pieces, dyslalia and aterixis value given to the escape, fear gave Correrias everywhere, serenity in pajamas that someone reassure me! please – screaming – all ran, stumbled, they were ready already screaming nervous the roles? and the Briefcase with the clothes?! Long time are ready only expect these calls who’s going with me? – asked – everyone!, Maruja, Barbara and Fiorella! All! they came in silence to my side., all moment, there was fear, anxiety, we wanted and we didn’t want, Fiorella broke the silence Pope and if you die?, was enough crying seized everyone, I wanted to reassure them, but I also cried the taxi driver looked concerned, was the 5th passenger.!.

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