For the sixth consecutive month, the average tax of interests of the personal loans and the guaranteed check had fallen for the consumer in June, discloses research of the Procon Foundation of So Paulo. In the study, it has information on the taxes practised for the Bank of Brazil, Bradesco, Federal government saving bank, HSBC, Ita, Our Box, Real, Harvest, Santander and Unibanco. The monthly average tax of interests charged in the personal loan withdrew 0,05 porcentual point of May for June and was in 5,57%. In the case of the guaranteed check, the fall was 0,02 porcentual point, with the tax withdrawing for 8,87% to the month. The public banks had been main the responsible ones for the cut in the taxes of interests, observe the Procon Foundation of So Paulo. Of ten searched banks, four financial institutions had reduced the interests in the personal loans, of which two public: the Bank of Brazil and Our Box. In the case of the guaranteed check, three institutions had cut taxes, between which they are the Bank of Brazil and Our Box. The Federal government saving bank (the third public institution in ranking of ten searched banks) it did not cut interests because its taxes are the minors in such a way in the personal loan as in the guaranteed check.
The politics of the government to stimulate the credit and the consumption, reducing the interests charged for the public banks, resulted in the exchange of the president of the Bank of Brazil, in the April end. Unhappyly, although the cut, the taxes continue in high levels. The tax of 5,52% to the month charged in the personal loans is equivalent 90.55% to the year. In the case of the guaranteed check, the monthly tax of 8,87% corresponds 177.30% to the year. The basic tax of interests, the Selic, settled for the government for the remuneration of the public headings, finishes to be reduced in a porcentual point and is today in 9,25% to the year. the trend is to continue in fall. Vision of governoA give-head of the Civil House, Dilma Rousseff, when commenting the reduction of the basic tax of interests (Selic) for only one digit (9.25% to the year), affirmed that currently Brazil can reduce its interests without Is possible it Brazil to still grow with stability and with distribution of income, said citing some measures taken for the government against the crisis, as the reduction of the Tax on Produtos Industrializados (IPI) of some sectors, as the automobile one, and the increase of the minimum wage. President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva affirmed that the basic tax is not enough to diminish. It is important that spread bank clerk (rude profit of the banks in the accomplishment of loans) either reduced in Brazil. spread is very high, still he is selective, and us we go to keep the effort all to control the inflation, affirmed, in Switzerland, of where Coffee said for the weekly program of radio with the President