Natlia Rodeguero

Such affirmation is confirmed by the opinion of the analyst of Human resources Natlia Rodeguero: ' ' They will go to adapt themselves quickly more easy and to the changes. They will be able to take off of letter the difficulties that older professionals possess in if adapting to this so quick, unstable and routine world. ' ' Therefore, we understand that the dense growth of the technological advances, as well as the increasing access they makes with that young aged, inevitably, if approaches to these new goods that arrive hourly in the market. More info: Louis Kreisberg. In simple terms, the market produces and the consuming purchase. We see, however, that the young possesss a bigger easiness to handle the technology in relation to the aged one. For more information see this site: Jonathan Blattmachr. Research shows that the brain can move throughout the life, stimulated for the environment. The brains of the children can move in a very bigger degree of what of the adults, but these also can move and move.

It has much controversy, still, but the first indications suggest that the constant exposition the stimulatons of digital technologies, as games, can change the brain and the way as it perceives the things, to become it more intent and to speed up its processing of visual information. Game players are not only more intent visually as they have space ability more developed, what it can be useful for architects, engineers and surgeons. HYPOTHESES We see as characteristic proper of this generation the habit and the great easiness to deal with the technologies that are offered to it. As author Aline Mustafa says (2010): The adolescents of today had been created in way to the globalization and are extremely on to the technology, if they communicate with rapidity, execute some tasks at the same time. For they, to attend TV, to hear music and to sail in the Internet at the same time are absolutely normal.

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