Ministers Law

We have the Government that produces more laws per square centimeter, as if that were something that boast. Britain, on the other hand, has no Constitution or and not going so badly. Do you get similar legislative foliage? Very easy: rule of law making any occurrence, for more picturesque resulting. Then, in another Council of Ministers, reproduces, it retouch or contradicts the previous provision, and hala, a new law to singing. As important, therefore, is generating more and more laws, which are not fulfilled, since such a thing never occurs. Already more than one century ago, Minister Silvela explained that our legal system is rigorous, but tempered by its non-observance.

This reiteration of unfulfilled rules is seen, for example, in the abundant legislation to prevent forest fires, which each year seems novel but it always repeats the same platitudes that do not prevent that forests still burning. Of all our leaders obsessed with entering the Guinness Book of record legislative, the most prolific it seems Rodriguez Zapatero, capable of trying to modify any day by Decree until the law of gravity. Let’s see, if not, the neat rules on the use of air conditioning in public places, now fixed at highs of 21 in winter and 26 in summer. Already two years ago, the ineffable Miguel Sebastian ordered that temperature does not happen 22 in the offices of the State, legislation that the such were passed through the Arch of triumph. A year later, the regulation, modified, spread to the energy savings Plan, and you want rice, Catherine. Now, again, reappears in the brand-new innocuous law of sustainable economy. Someone suspected that it will meet? In the background, which is fulfilled or not is irrelevant given that surgery needed our ailing economy instead of poultices. So with unemployment: we have a Government that presumes to give subsidies to the unemployed instead of offering them work, that would be what feten. But to create jobs is not enough chuscas occurrences published in the Official Gazette, but that requires an economic policy which Zapatero lacks.

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