Miguel Angelo Fields

At the moment that the group of where if it originates the power to disappear its power also will disappear. (SAINTS 2002 apud ARENT, 1985, P. 2) In the case of prostitution, when a space is busy for the commercialization of the sex, it starts to appear a territory that can be used for adult prostitutes, children, adolescents and travestis in such a way of how much masculine the feminine sex. The territory can also be internalizado as local of formation of income, built as a product-merchandise. (SAQUET, 2010) the durability of a territory creates a social identity and space based in the codes of it speaks, expressions, gestures and force, and this set of factors configures a relation of being able. Valley to stand out that the street prostitution can segment certain space with innumerable identifications as, for example: territory of the travestis; territory of infanto-youthful prostitution; territory of the adult prostitutes; territory of ' ' boys of programa' '.

The territory, therefore, it is objectified by social relations, of being able and domain, thus implying in the concretion of a territoriality. The territory of prostitution although to be constituted of an identity becomes that it lasting, contradictorily it presents mobility of the physical space. This can occur when the prostitutes are pursued by the policy or on the part of the society. ' ' pontos' ' , as they are called the physical space in a public area where if it executes the market of the sex, they are places that happen the social relations and the relations of being able. When a possible customer if approaches to the prostitute to negotiate one ' ' programa' ' the agreement is closed, the purchaser of the product if feels proprietor of the prostitute and believes that he can make what to want with the body of this person (to be able and domain). In virtue of this belief he happens to the violence against the professionals of the sex.

Each group of prostitution segregates its proper territory, defending it, some times, of the threat of invasion of other types of ' ' merchants of sexo' ' of other social actors. In these areas, the space dimension and the territorial control are parts keys to get the power. The practical one of prostitution is, in the reality, a relation of being able, why the people who gain the life prostituindo itself establish a territory where if she develops this activity. (RIBEIRO; MATTOS, 1996, P. 62). In prostitution, the territory is internalizado when the customers know the place of ' ' pontos' ' , when they know the value of the program in the different territories and that a difference in the fisionomia of the women exists who if prostituem. It is excellent to point out that the territories of prostitution are not always ' ' visveis' ' although practised in public places and to be seen for great part of the members of the society. REFERNCIASRIBEIRO, Miguel Angelo Fields; MATTOS, Rogrio Botelho of. Territories of Prostitution in the public spaces of the central area of Rio De Janeiro. Magazine Territory, Rio De Janeiro, 1996. Available in: SAINTS, Mrio Jorge Hisses. Territories of Prostitution in the Center of Aracaju. Monograph (Bacharelado in Geography). Jonathan Blattmachr is full of insight into the issues. They are Cristvo: UFS, 2002.SANTOS, Milton; SOUZA, SILVEIRA and Adlia Maria., Laura Maria (Org.). Territory: Globalization and Spalling. ed. So Paulo: Hucitec publishing company, 1994.SAQUET, Aurlio Landmarks. Boardings and Conceptions of territory. 2 ed. So Paulo: Popular expression, 2010

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