The Miracle and its implications Shepherd Sergio Carlos of the Silveira (46) Then had arrived the Jeric. When Jesuses and its disciples, together with a great multitude, were leaving the city, the son of Timeu, Bartimeu, that was blind, were seated to the side of the way having asked for almses. (47) When he heard that he was Jesus de Nazar, started to cry out: ‘ ‘ Jesus, son of Davi, have mercy of me! ‘ ‘ (49) Jesus stopped and said: ‘ ‘ Call; ‘. had called the blind person. ‘ ‘ Spirit, is arisen! It is chamando’ ‘.
(50) Launching its layer for the side, of a jump one set in foot and one directed it Jesus. (Landmarks 10 – 46,47,49 and 50) Introduction a conjunct for miracle consumption. The secret to receive something is to know to ask for. It is the form as you say to whom she wants something and as he is this. Nothing to deny details, but the more clearly you will be, but you will be taken care of. Also, he clearly does not advance to be and objective, but not to know as to reach heart of somebody, of the person to who you are asking for to this something. To obtain something of somebody you need to know: As to arrive at this person. Of that way to speak to this person.
To objectify its order. It is on that if it deals with History Bartimeu. Bartimeu and its outcry the Four Evangelhos counts history of meeting of people with Jesus. The registers of the activities of Jesus are full of meeting between It and the people, thus or It was to the meeting of them or they had been to the meeting Of it. Only that Bartimeu, says the Bible, was the side of the way.