Of this allegiance, its permanence results as force conducting of as many peoples and races, in distinct phases of the culture and the civilization. Besworth Smith whose the authority is in the unquestionable subject, defined the Alcoran: ' ' as one poetical book, code of law, a conjunct book, a bible that is referenciado today by one sixth of the etnia human being as miracle of pureness of style, wisdom and verdade' '. Already Salomon Reinach attacks as vigorous I repudiate: ' ' of the literary point of view the Alcoran is a poor book. Declamations, repetitions, trivialities, lack of logic and pursuing in the ideas that shock, to each step, the reader desprevenido' '. Mr. N.J.Dawood summarizes the dogma nailed for Maom: ' ' God had disclosed its will to the Jews and the Christians for the voice of its messengers.
But they had disobeyed the orders of God and had divided themselves in sismaticas ceitas. The Alcoran accuses the Jews to have corrupted the Holy Writs, and the Christians, to adore Jesus as god son, in the truth God did not possess no son, therefore being absolute and exclusive. Thus having misguided, Jewish and Christian they must be called new for footpath of the straightness, the deep verdica religion for Abrao that Maom I finish, it of the prophets came pregar' '. The belief in the devil of the judgment (to see: escatologia) and in the life after the death (Akhirah) also is part of the Islamic theology. The God isl knows punishs with vigor, exactly knows to be vingativo and astucioso; But as he also knows to be generous and liberal. As he just knows to be and clement (4: 135). ' ' Who practises a good action receives ten times its equivalent, and who commits an action me will receive only its equivalent and nobody will be lesado' ' (6: 560).