To view the order in full, visit the website listed at the bottom of the article. By sectoral Conference on fisheries, December 11, 2006, the criteria for allocation of funds were fixed with charge to the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) for the period 2007 / 2013, and the resulting distribution that corresponds to each administration. Such Conference agreed the reserve amount supports for centralized management, among others, collective actions of national and supraautonomico, covered in the operational programme for the Spanish fishing sector, adopted by the Commission By Decision C (2007) European 6615, of December 13, 2007, whose jurisdiction is vested in the General Administration of the State.
The centralization of the aid is essential to ensure the full realization of the measures within the basic management of the sector and to ensure the same opportunities of obtaining and enjoyment by their potential recipients throughout the national territory, avoiding at the same time as to exceed the overall amount of State funds earmarked for the sector. Regulation (EC) No. 1198 / 2006 of the Council of 27 July 2006 on the European Fisheries Fund for the programming period 2007-2013 defines the framework for community support for the sustainable development of the fisheries sector. This framework establishes the possibility of financing measures in the public interest of greater scope than measures normally undertaken by private enterprises, which contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the common fisheries policy. Collective actions, are regulated in article 37 of that regulation defined as those of public interest which are implemented with the active support of the organizations acting on behalf of producers or other organisations recognised by the Member State and which have inter alia the contribute sustainably to improve management or conservation of resources, as well as pick up seabed lost fishing gear to combat ghost fishingas well as targeted to improve the management and control of access conditions to areas of fishing, ultimately aimed at developing projects aimed at improving environmental sustainability in the field of fishery resources.