That penalty great part of the Brazilians nor if remembers in who voted in finishes election. The indifference is total, the more if it works less is received therefore, the elect governing for the people more search each time to explore the misery human being, has until a music ‘ ‘ the poor person each poor time and rich more rico’ ‘. Certain everything has direction, lives in Brazil where the government is detainer of the power, controller of the goods of the Brazilians, in so pra that to work in such a way? All its good belong to the union. What do you mean? It tries to walk with its motion without helmet or leaves to pay the IPTU of its house or still it tries to after bind to its sound the 22 hours. Nothing of what you possess he is its everything is of the State it has to be able absolute and you not. That bobagem if had been the proper Brazilians who had chosen the laws because all power comes from the people, all good I am only one, and I did not make no law, more I vetoed, and inside of the congress, I do not enter because I am poor northeastern alone I walk of jumento and car of ox, is I exaggerate to speak of this skill more it thinks with attention, if the things to continue of the skill that is will go to be suffocated unite, already we are is enough to read the codes everything you in the law the everything this writing as crime we cannot make more nothing that is not crimes pardons my lack of experience and understands my relief I only wanted to live free in my country but I am imprisoned for not having knowledge of as many laws, I am not same lawyer that was would not obtain to record as many laws thus, married I have 35 years I am half illiterate will be that the government has guilt of my situation, I find that yes..