In these days when there is a kind of seizure in the country by the issue of rationing of electricity and water, in addition to the tense situation we are experiencing with our neighbouring country, to my has given me to worry and think about something else, which I consider as serious or more serious than any of the previously mentioned problems; and that issue in which my head to State taking turns and more turns is the drugs; My affinity with the current Government constantly I felt proud when the Minister Tarek El Aissami, announces the capture of tons of tons of cocaine or marijuana, which usually come from Colombia and its final destination was North America or Europe; but as my mind is extremely restless and not leave very easily convince, I spend it wandering and thinking a little beyond what I see or hear or as one two things and term having occurred to me on this matter, a completely different version to which I presented on television or in the press in general; the other issue that I joined the previous is our bread from each day and is increasingly we see how our youth is harassed and increasingly more immersed in harmful drug which is called La Piedra, that supposedly makes their consumers to act violently, to the point of acting without any scruples, nor mercy against other humans; everytime I hear a sicarios, or an offence committed with utmost brutality, the news is accompanied with the offender was under the effects of the stone-is here where is born my concern and my dilemma; because I have never seen to Minister El Aissami or any other officer of Justice, announcing that a shipment seized of even 10 kilos of stone from somewhere and destined for internal distribution or consumption, do but if that is the drug that is causing havoc in our youth and general sectors more poor of our country?Why is it? that does not capture any loading of this drug and even because they are not dedicated to capture only shipments of this drug and turn a blind eye on cocaine and marijuana that actually would affect the young Americans or Europeans and a minimum part to our population.- as I am a neophyte in drug affair, I began to inquire about what it is the stone, and I discovered that you it’s Crack, famous drug since the 1980s and which is the result of the macerated coca leaves with kerosenemixed with sodium bicarbonate, which becomes a stone insoluble in water, so it is not ingested via nasal, or intravenous, but through the absorption of vapors, i.e. smoking it- but find out what is the stone, nothing responds to my concern, above the because we don’t see the seizure of large caches of stonewhich leads to wrong thinking about the possibility of complicity by the authorities in this drug distribution throughout the national territory; and my suspicion probably will survive at least until you see in the headlines or in newscasts, reports relating to the seizure of large quantities of Crack or stone by the authorities national, but it sunset and see-original author and source of the article..