Value Added

I recall that for years I had to deal with the problem that my children disliked the idea of going to hair cutting. Especially with children, was a real challenge avoid crying and convince them to sit 20 minutes in the Chair, Barber trust and that they knew that the noise of the electric razor was nothing so alarmed. Everything seemed so complicated until a certain day we discovered a hairdresser in which had on each chair a TV and a console with fun games for children. In addition the place painted in cheerful colours and to withdraw from the Court, give them a balloon and a piece of candy. Nothing could be better! That day the problems but that now, my children not only ended just waiting for that hair grows them a bit to order to relocate them to the hairdresser with videogames. All thanks to people who know the value added makes your business more profitable. This may be an example very simple, but I’m sure that illustrates the enormous difference that added value can represent for your business in a practical way.

In fact, it is this factor that can make the difference between your shop and the corner or between your company and the competition. In the illustration of the hairdresser or even mention that this last (of the game) was certainly a much more expensive place. He paid almost double that in others, but the satisfaction of having got rid of a frequent problem and just seeing the smiles on the faces of my children out of place, were sufficient for that price mattered not me. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the place was impeccably clean, orderly, barbers were presentable and were friendly with the kids. Addition, they were always available any of 3 local newspapers and some magazines for those who were hoping that his court did children.

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