Hello! I hope you’re very well! Firstly, I would like to thank all subscribers to this newsletter for your comments! Do a few days ago one of the students of the course of NLP (Adriana) asked me: Sofia, how you maintain a positive attitude when everything seems to go overboard, when things we do not go as we want? I would like to thank Adriana per share with all us you is happening internally, and hope that these reflections below, in addition to those that you contributions from the comments, you will succeed. You’re already learning in classes that one of the points most important to exit from a well is wanting to leave him. For that, the best thing is maintaining a positive attitude and focus only on that goal, with techniques as creative visualization, self motivation, the use of support models, action plans with already tested and other results (all these issues find them in each of the classes with examples and techniques with their explanations). Everything, absolutely everything in life can be analysed from different perspectives. I do not mean by this that everything is relative, as today many want us to believe, but the same thing may be something to the senses of a person (to your eyesight, hearing or touch) and another different thing for another. For example, before a setback in a business, my friend Hernan fell into a deep depression. I couldn’t understand how someone like him, with all his capacity, his intelligence and skill would have been naive to do something that, after seeing the results, proved a failure. However, after talking with him a little, he realized that though it was true what felt, had not only served him as a lesson for future business (something in the world of finance is not little) but, above all, it was allowed to obtain an extra force to ensure that the next business was successful. .