The Reduction

What it is the fenomenolgica reduction? The fenomenolgica reduction (epoch) is the process by which everything is informed by the directions and moved in a conscience experience, of a phenomenon if it consists of being conscientious of something. Husserl considered that, in the study of ours lives deeply, our states of consciences of something, we do not have worrying in them if it corresponds or not it objects of the external world to our mind. The interest for the Fenomenologia is not the world that exists, but yes the way as the knowledge of the world if of, it has place, if it carries through for each person. The fenomenolgica reduction means requires the suspension of the attitudes, beliefs, theories and to place in suspended the knowledge of the things of the exterior world and in order to concentrate it exclusively person in the experience in focus. In the fenomenolgica reduction, the noesia is the act to perceive. What it is perceived, the perception object, is noema.

The thing as phenomenon of the conscience (noema) is the thing that matters, that is, ' ' the thing in itself mesma' ' that it makes Husserl. A cognitivo horizon becomes torn here notabilssimo. Epoch fenomenolgica reduces me it my pure I transcendental e, at least at the beginning, is then, in certain direction, solus ipse: not in the habitual direction, as it would be of a man who, after a cosmic collapse, he would be alone in the world that still continues to exist. (HUSSERL, 1992, P. 19) After to have recognized the ideal object, that is the perception object the following step is its eidtica reduction that means idea or essence. It consists of its analysis to find its true meaning. This because we cannot exempting in them of the subjectivity and seeing the things ' ' as so' '. The eidtica reduction is necessary to fill the requirement of a rigorous science genuinely, requisite already before mentioned by Discardings.

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