This reader crianovas interpretations of the reality, giving new felt to it. Not only recebemensagens, create as well as them it transmits and them with new life, with new dimension (LUCKESI, 1989). The school, in general, has not collaborated noencaminhamento of the young ones for reading. The activities of reading, in the schools, are related to the copy and the memorization. It is the school that defines, of beforehand, the direction that must be supplied by the pupils, from the reading of a text. The understanding and the interpretation already come ready and finished, it fits to the leitorapenas to imitate them for evaluation effect. The professors must adopt one practical deleitura that contemplates its expectations, established in a pedagogia of reading. Therefore, a critical reflection on false estimated apropsito of the reading must be made and to question the way for which the sointroduzidos and worked academic texts in practical the pedagogical one.
If the professor not to know to present the text to the pupil, to podedesestimular the reading of the young forever. She is necessary to contextualizar to eexplicar the intrinsic elements of language of the authors and its respectivostextos, but if cannot lose of sight the necessity of that pupil offers something novoao (LAJOLO, 1996). To provide the practical one of the reading is umaresponsabilidade of all the professors of a school. To surpass the crisis daleitura, she is necessary to think and to place in practical the centers of interests, ainterdisciplinaridade, the collective construction of the knowledge, the integration, aseqenciao and the curricular unit. In the average stated period, to fight for the magnifying of the net debibliotecas and for the incentive to the use of the same ones (what dedivulgao of its use starts with campaigns, beyond the school, that is, for the society as a whole) eoutras modalities of access to the texts (ambulant libraries, livrariaspopulares, campaigns of reduction in price of the book, etc.), for utilizaoconseqente (that is, formadora of readers, individuals not only ' ' competentes' ' nonvel technician of the reading, but that they consummate texts to the long one or, in a less economic vocabulary, to give sentidosocial greater to this practical. Finally, in a more structural plan, without a doubt, modifications in the profile of the income distribution would be basic not alone parao increment of the reading, but also of the ownership of the book. How much to this point perhaps the great problem noseja the dissent after all, who today is in favor of the social inaquality nveisem in them that it finds? , but a consensus that little goes beyond the rhetorical speech. On the other hand, to assume tasks as these, in the plan of the action it accomplishes, necessrio to go beyond ‘ ‘ ideology of leitura’ ‘