In first movement, it is necessary to cut the tidal wave deconceitos that involve the myth idea. In the romance, Loved to half-open, does not stop escancarar. (PERUCCI.In: PRANDI, 2001, posfcio one). The myth has as function to retake of the ancestry the rites eas activities, so that it has agreement of the man and the world; the textoamadiano, inside of this perspective, retakes the myth iorub through umaaproximao between fiction and reality, binding sacred and the profane one> as formade resistance of culturade African origin present in Brazil and revealed emtoda its essence in the Bahia of All the Saints. Lavalle (2003) standes out que' ' (…) it is through the power of the myth that the peoples reverenciam its ancestor, establishing new thresholds for the passage of the life and deciphering seusmistrios' ' (In: OLIVEIRA; SOUZA (Org.), p.50), the author still adds: The Greek ' ' mythos' ' with meaning of feitosrelevantes, he accurately nominates this product of the species, palco natural of enredose contents of that if they nourish the arts and, in special, literature. How much to aocarter religious of myth, always was tied with the fact of that it manifestaa dependence human being of the supernatural forces, generating narrative on origemdo world and the destination of the beings inhabit that it. (p.52).
Literature is, therefore, one of the disseminating vehicles dacultura, and the reading of Sea Dead allows to adentrar in unconscious doshomens of the sea, in what they possess of more tragic (the perigos that the marrepresenta) and more vibrant (the belief in Iemanj). The death not representasimplesmente the end of the life human being, but the terrestrial life if draws out in direoa another life, in some of the nine spaces of Orum 2. The romancista appeals to the cenriolitorneo, as space to compose the romance of Lvia and Guma, in a processointertextual, interlaces myth and reality in egrandiosamente poetical a supernatural scene, allowing that its thought transgresses the ordemsocial that the fence and sails in search of another existential space.