The Criteria

Values individual individually, people value plus some aspects of the work to others, in this sense, refers to work or labor values. These are personal as is the person who establishes the order of importance that grants them in his life. They act as standards that serve to make judgements and choose between alternative modes of labor conduct. On that line, the work of Meglino and Ravlin (1998) reveals that the structure values having the person, as well as the greater or lesser importance given to values as a guide to behavior in your life, have a decisive role both to their perception to decision making and be so satisfied is in its work in relation to the organization in the organizational context, the leaders play a key role in the creation and transmission of values and attitudes. In this sense hierarchical supervisors have a decisive in the organization because they are those who translate the actual values of the Organization, its philosophy, its policies and its objectives through the decisions that made every day and the criteria followed to adopt them.

So the members of an organization can operate consistently with each other and give priority to group interests it is essential that the spirit team (Smith and Peterson, 1990) and expressive or collective values that a good leader must induce their followers assertively defend these values and generate a cooperating social climate and support that will pave the way towards the achievement of the objectives will prevail in it. Suggestions to the reality of the Venezuelan scenario that is characterized by its turbulence, companies must be more threaten to how the actions of the contingencies of the environment variables affect your organizational behavior, more when there are many companies that have failed to meet for example, the challenges that the current Bolivarian revolutionary Government has developed with its intention of giving passage to a new socialism, are advised that it would be of interest to managers of enterprises, organizations take an exhaustive study to determine the degree of consistency between the values and attitudes of their managers, supervisors and employees, because that organization is essential to know how is going to take place the new motivational learning of its professionals; that is, professionals, executives of the company possess the skills needed to achieve a genuine cohesion of computers through common objectives that correspond with the objectives of the Organization and have a measurement, actual index that so satisfied and identified this staff regarding the Organization and its work. Conclusion the management must watch how is manifesting itself through the results obtained the values and attitudes of the worker before the impact of the new challenges facing the present Venezuelan companies, which It must be his role according to which proper values and attitudes are manifest to ensure productivity, satisfaction at work, team cohesion and a positive role of their duties towards an optimal participation of the company in the current scenario..

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