To learn to behave plays an important role in the coqueteo. Incorrect corporal language or the composure can ruin to spend an excellent moment with a woman. For this reason, I present/display with all the authenticity and the sincerity to you that you need to know on the behavior characteristics will help that you in your trip to learn to seduce women. Your gestures must reflect your inner attitude. Before abrir the door of the wisdom of the seduction for you, nevertheless, it remembers that everything what you learn here must be a reflection of your more intimate being and of your convictions.
Otherwise, they will be smoke and mirages, and you would end up bothering to that technical girl when it discovers that you were trying to force to try to seduce it. you do not act. You yourself. Very well, we go here. Visual contact.
It turns out amazing to even find the great amount to me of people who avoid the constant and solid visual contact in the daily life, when already are in a conversation. You wish to secure good relations with the women? It begins to practice visual contact alreadyand I talk about each person with whom you are. Once you are speaking with a woman, you must maintain visual contact constant and explore its eyes with true curiosity. They reflect what people think and feel in her interior. He takes what us to the following point: He radiates sexual energy. With a constant visual contact, your thoughts are transmitted. There is an energy, a dawn, that each person has, and can be transferred through the physical limits of our body. If you are seated near a woman, perhaps front to her (and that it is a situation that we hoped to have established when you enter the conversation – not to sit down in a table, gives zero opportunity you), And you have increased the intensity in the visual contact, you do not leave your thoughts are on libraries and flowers or the Coffer of the Alliance.