Renewable Heat In The Passive House

Vitramo introduces new and old buildings, which will be extensively refurbished innovative heating solution on the 14th International passive House Conference in Dresden, Germany, will have at least until the year 2016 a heat insulation in the passive house standard. As a result, This lower heating energy consumption also the consumption costs. Savings in this area hit so hard to beech. Why invest in an expensive heating system that only pays for itself with its energy saving potential in decades? Vitramo recommends splitting the investment sum. You should invest some of the money in installations for the production of renewable energy, such as solar or small wind turbines. Or to buy up shares in such facilities. To use the other part for the acquisition of the Vitramo-heating system. The core idea: The Vitramo heating system requires electrical energy.

Electric power you already have, no need to buy. Count on 20 years, Managing Director Lars Voss works according to Vitramo-no other heating system economically as a combination of photovoltaic system with a Vitramo-heating system with the same efficiency and comfort. Prerequisite for this, however, is that the building is good or very well insulated. A heat requirement of less than 60 kWh / ma m living space worth it already today no longer, to build an expensive water-run heat delivery system, like for example an underfloor heating in combination with a geothermal heat pump. Advantages during the aeration modern, well insulated buildings are nowadays often equipped with a combined heating and ventilation system. Because these homes are virtually airtight, they need a controlled housing ventilation.

This is a large portion of the air heat from the exhaust air and this heat energy is used to preheat the air coming from the outside. This pre heated air should be warm but also before she enters as the air in the rooms. This heating and ventilation systems are often designed so that one only by the room temperature Airing”may increase. It requires hot air. Moreover, the fact that the temperature of the supply air should not exceed 50 C. The supply air rooms (living – and bedrooms) are tempered in this way, the temperature does not air flowing over often which in the exhaust air rooms (bathrooms, corridors, etc.), to achieve the standard indoor temperature. Total comfort suffers these conditions significantly. Better Interior climate a heating system should first and foremost make sure that people feel comfortable in a room, and with a minimum energy consumption. The wind chill temperature is crucial for this pleasant room climate. With warm walls, thermal comfort can produce more economically than with warm air. In addition, people feel warmth created by infrared rays, as comfortable as the heat from convection heaters. The tiled stove is the most famous example of this. The small Vitramo heating elements which convert them electric energy almost to one hundred percent into heat around. They ensure an optimal distribution of heat in the rooms. In addition, ventilation losses are also reduced due further warm walls and cooler air. To achieve a high Stahlungsanteil, the heating elements on the ceiling are installed. The proportion of radiation reached up to 80 percent. The Vitramo heating system works also so efficient because a control unit in the interplay between the heating elements control losses largely avoids. More information: Vitramo contact: Lars-Henric Voss, phone 09341 / 8495 717,

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