With regard to the boarded contents, the subjects more easily understood had been to those related to the aspects biological, as: the body, contraceptive processes of the reproduction, DSTs and methods etc. Already the subjects that involve moral values, and that they generate problematic as: the homossexualidade; the bissexualidade; the abortion; the pedofilia; the sexual abuse, and the affectivity had generated controversies and quarrels in function of the aspects cultural partners. An interesting aspect was when questioned on who it would have to occupy of the sexual education in the school: almost 50% of the participants, between families, professors and pupils, 46% point some professional of the health area as being the ideal. Therefore, here it is the question: knowing that great part of the happiness of the people closely is related with the form with which it becomes related with its sexuality and the one of the too much people; we know that great part, if not to say, most of the human suffering is proceeding from our ignorance, the impediments related to acquired the full exercise of our affective-ertico-sexual desire since infancy, and throughout all the life, if it cannot more ignore e, delay truily efficient actions that favor the appropriation of these knowledge. 4 QUARREL the Project developed since March of 2009. Four meeting with the educators had been carried through. During the meetings the team of Clinical Psicopedagogia carried through comments that had supplied to subsidies some done consideraes to follow. The first consideration is that this project has presented many positive points, advances that, for the moment, we consider small, but that they make a great difference. The first one of them already is initiated in the proper process of qualification of the educators. The school does not have moments for a collective quarrel, still more on thematic that it sends, not only personal questions of each one, but to a real demand of these educators, demand this difficult to deal and that many times place in xeque the work of this professional, and the social function of the school.