Concerned in particular the case of Spain, not only by the magnitude of its debt, its depressed housing market and the threat they pose boxes saving, but also by their high exposure to Portugal, since in the event of a restructuring of Portuguese debt, Spain would be the next to fall. In the case of United Kingdom, 2011 will be a year of stagnation, as it is anticipated that the economy does not rebound but not until 2012. Saxo Bank then expects a weak 1.4 growth %, with downside risks mainly. Saxo Bank analysts, also expect an increase in volatility, especially if the tense dynamic that draws the global macroeconomic picture is taken into account. For raw materials, Saxo Bank shows a rise in the first half due to the gradual recovery of the US economy coupled with strong demand in emerging markets. However, perceive clear risks in unpaid debt public, a strong economic brake of China and the strength of the dollar. The WTI oil is likely to quote between 80 and 100 dollars, even could surpass 100 dollars per barrel, to show a strong correction later. With respect to gold, the Bank estimates that in the next 12 months this may rise further to levels of 1,600 dollars.
For maize, for its part, is expected prices at levels high, but stable, provided that there is no climatic setbacks. The full text of Saxo Bank prospects for 2011 tackles: premise for 2011: bubbles, you shoe lifts, low what else can we expect! Prospects for growth in 2011 – USA.USA: new normal or return to the past? -Eurozone: A year to remember or to forget? -United Kingdom: the surprise of 2011? – Japan: Another relapse in sight? Interest rates in 2011 prospects for currencies in 2011: the green ticket will be the great Dominator? Issues of trading with currencies of the G-10 in 2011 options on currencies: Navigating a sea of risk actions: the Bull will continue going out with yours? Materials premiums: A strong start, but dangers lie ahead what to do? The Decalogue for financial stability and growth special report: will glow solar energy in 2011? About Saxo Bank Saxo Bank is a specialist in negotiation and investment online. Lets make trading clients with foreign exchange, income variable, CFDs, shares, options, futures and other derivatives thanks to three trading platforms specialized and integrated; the platform online SaxoWebTrader, the downloadable SaxoTrader platform and SaxoMobile Trader, a platform for mobile phones. These three platforms are translated into more than 20 languages and access to them may be directly through Saxo Bank or through any of its institutional clients. Saxo Asset Management was born in 2009 to meet the needs of the upper segment of the investment of heritage.