The present work will argue one of the legal forms of protection of the environment, namely: the Protocol of Kyoto. Treated this, that serves of instrument with intention to reduce the emissions of gases that propitiate the effect greenhouse. For in such a way, it will be cut concerning the problem of the deforestation of the forests evidenced in Brazilian scope. Searching still, to trace the possible improvements and challenges, brought with this convention, in regards to legal protection of the forests. Protocol of Kyoto. Brazilian forests.
Advances. Challenges. ‘ ‘ if before we appealed to the nature to give a steady base to the right – and, in the deep this it is the reason of the Natural law – we attend, today to a tragic inversion, being the obliged man to appeal to the right to save the nature that morre’ ‘. Miguel Reale The importance of the legal guardianship of the environment comes if consolidating throughout the time due to perception of the ambient problems. It was, over all, after World War II that the looks if had directed for the protection of the environment, when to the side of the social rights, the rights directed toward the guardianship and recognition of the dignity of the person had emerged human being (PORTANOVA, 2004), having one ‘ ‘ unfastening of the figure of the man as individual and characterizing the rights as being of title difusa’ ‘ (SARLET, 2010, P.